Member-only story
Edited from Chapter 4 of ‘Brands, Bandwagons & Bullshit’ by Harry Lang
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When does middle age officially start these days? Is 60 the new 30? Are
Millennials really fast-tracking towards knitting and Ugg boots, bypassing
the joyous indiscretions of youth in favour of gluten-free, spinning-class,
Guardian-tutting, ‘lights out by 9pm’ sensibility — all fuelled by probiotic,
Bullet-blended, curly kale smoothies and a thousand grains of muesli?
As I creak towards yet another landmark birthday it’s getting increasingly hard to tell what colour-coded stage of life I’ve reached. I may have no certainty on when I can finally sign out of Skype for good but 17 years into a career in marketing I reckon I’ve earned the benefit of hindsight and can make a (somewhat) informed assessment as to whether the decisions of my formative years were ultimately for the best. Or whether youthful exuberance and naivety did, in fact, lead me down some avoidable rabbit holes.